With the Queensland Premier being pushed to veto Adani’s $1 billion loan, one thing is for certain: this would not have happened without the incredible, unrelenting and passionate work of thousands of community members in Queensland who met with their local MPs, showed up outside their offices, formed human signs and made it clear to Premier Palaszczuk that the community would be unforgiving if she passed on taxpayers’ funds to Adani for his private rail line.
This is good news – however, we have been here before. And Adani has come back. In 2015, Premier Palaszczuk promised before the Queensland election that there would be “no taxpayers’ money going towards this project.” After continual community pressure, CommBank dropped its relationship with Adani. But Adani took their time, rebuilt and came back a year later with a strong commitment to their project.
Over the past year, the Stop Adani movement has built an incredible power base through sustained community action. The public is more conscious than ever before of the threats of this disastrous coal mine. #StopAdani groups that have sprung up all over the country. The #StopAdani movement isn’t going anywhere until Adani’s coal project is dead and gone.
It’s clear now that the only way to #StopAdani’s coal mine is to get this project banned outright. The community must be noisier, must relentlessly push the politics of coal so that it is impossible for politicians to support this project. If the commitment of the everyday Australians who have taken part in the campaign in the past year is any indication, it’s clear that this grassroots movement won’t stop until they’ve stopped Adani!